Sunday, November 23, 2014

No, Lincoln did not free the slaves by "Executive Order"

Last week President Obama announced an (illegal) executive order dealing with illegal immigrants and the left is now trying to use several false equivalencies to claim conservatives are either hypocrites or racists, or both, for objecting.

One false meme being spread by the left is that presidents Reagan and Bush-41 did the same thing. They did not. For a full explanation you can checkout this article at Powerline.  
Another false meme now being pushed by the liars on the political is that President Lincoln freed the slaves with an executive order - his Emancipation Proclamation - but he did not. President Lincoln "freed" the slaves in the rebellious states, sort of, but not in other states that were not in rebellion. There is a pretty good article about it here, and here is an excerpt from that article:

Rather, it “freed” any slave in the Confederate states (that’s right—it did not apply to states in the Union in which slavery remained legal) who could manage to flee her or his plantation and make their way behind liberating Union lines.
So, when it comes to radical American leftists trying to justify Obama's unconstitutional executive amnesty for illegal aliens, we're all being "grubered." Well, the "stupid American voters" and "useful idiots" are being grubered - the rest of us know the truth.

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