Sunday, November 23, 2014

My State of the Union Address

My State of the Union Address - if I was ever in a position to give one:
Ladies and Gentlemen, the state of our union is precarious economically, socially and with respect to liberty;

We have an artificial economy far too long propped up by government fiat dollars and never allowed to recover; far too much central planning by a committee of over 500 men and women in Congress with disparate interests;

The fabric of American society is threadbare with little to no respect for the fundamental building blocks of all Western Civilization - the most basic beliefs that have historically built and maintained strong and great societies -

The American people are less free and enjoying less Liberty today than at any time in our national history including the colonial period under the reign of King George III.
Freedom can be a difficult and dangerous proposition wherein some will succeed beyond their wildest dreams, some will make it very comfortably, some will struggle daily and eke out a living and others will fail and fall through the cracks but there is simply no acceptable alternatives to freedom - none.

The beauty of freedom is that every man and woman has the opportunity - the chance - to succeed beyond their wildest dreams and those of us to whom much is given - and much is earned - through our own hard work, determination, self discipline and education are free to help the less fortunate among us.
You may believe that by passing the Affordable Care Act into law that you helped some less fortunate Americans, but you have not. You have placed the sharp blade of government tyranny against the throats of all Americans and that is wholly unacceptable.

Any time there is a question or controversy between the unalienable rights of the people and the use of government powers, either legitimate or contrived, the gavel must necessarily fall on the side of liberty, freedom and unalienable rights for that is the essence of America; that is what built America as the strongest, freest, richest, most innovative and even benevolent nation in the history of the world and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the only right thing to do.

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