Hairy-Scary Uncle Larry

Hairy-Scary Uncle Larry (Bussey)
Hairy-Scary Uncle Larry is the producer and co-host of The Steve Bussey Radio Experience, and you may ask yourself, why is he called Hairy-Scary Uncle Larry. Larry and Steve are brothers and Larry has long hair and a goatee - his appearance scared the daylights out of Steve's grandson when he was a baby so Steve started calling him Hairy-Scary Uncle Larry.

Larry spent twelve years or so in the Army, almost nine years of which were with the 82nd Airborne where he made 144 jumps from various Army and Air Force platforms. He is also a Desert Shield/Storm veteran and, as you might guess, fearless. So as a radio producer Larry goes out into our local community and does live interviews standing in knee deep water off Cocoa Beach - he flew with the Air Force Reserve Rescue Squadron from Patrick Air Force Base during the Cocoa Beach Air Show one year. In short, you never know where Hairy-Scary Uncle Larry is going to show up and what he's going to be doing!

Larry working as our cameraman during President Obama's
 campaign stop at Florida Tech, Melbourne, FL, 2012.

Larry and I covered President Obama's campaign stop at Florida Tech in Melbourne, FL during the 2012 campaign for AM 1300 WMEL radio and The Steve Bussey Radio Experience.

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