Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Reagan vs. Modern Conservatism

 If we are going to compare President Reagan to modern conservatives then let's at least try to do it correctly and honestly.

Today I saw yet another writer claim that Ronald Reagan would be considered a Republican in name only (RINO) by today's conservatives. And I don't just see Democrats using that comment to bash modern conservatives and "prove" how far to the right we've moved but also "establishment" Republicans. Worse than comparing apples and oranges though, it is literally comparing fruits and vegetables.

In 1980 Ronald Reagan campaigned on amnesty for illegal aliens, something that gives modern conservatives conniption fits. But here's the thing; amnesty, to my knowledge, had not been tried before 1980 and there were far fewer illegal aliens in the country. Additionally, Reagan wanted strong border controls in conjunction with amnesty.

Now, however, amnesty has been tried and is not only a proven failure but actually exacerbated the problem; conservatives were lied to about border security by the political establishment; there are far more illegal aliens in our country including drug gangs and other criminals and the world is a far more dangerous place than 1980 with modern terrorism. So, there are legitimate reasons we conservatives have "evolved" on the issue of amnesty and I personally believe President Reagan would have evolved as well.

So, what else has changed since the days of Reagan? Democrats have changed - they have become far more extremist, radical, openly socialist and anti-American and, as I always say, Newton's third law of motion is my first law of politics; for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Remember, Reagan was not politically static, having once been a rabid anti-Republican Democrat who aggressively campaigned for Harry Truman. So I believe he too would have moved even further right in response to the extreme leftward shift of modern Democrats. That's what made him become Republican in the first place!

President Reagan was able to "reach across the political aisle" and compromise in a bipartisan manner, settling for 80% of what he wanted because Democrats were not as dangerously radical in his day. So while we are comparing Reagan to modern conservatives let's not forget to compare Democrat Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill or Democrat Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan with modern Democrat leaders such as Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

Can you imagine Ronald Reagan reaching across the political divide to work with a Democrat hell-bent on "fundamentally transforming" America from a capitalist nation with a healthy respect for individual liberty and unalienable rights to a more socialist - collectivist - nation where the citizens just sit down, shut up and do what we're told by Washington? I can't. 

Let us also remember something else; as Reagan was reaching across the aisle and working with Democrats in a bipartisan manner, there were at least 8 government shutdowns during his administration. That's right, let's correctly remember the past and the Reagan Administration. So let's compare with clear eyes when modern conservatives bash Mitch McConnell and John Boehner for not effectively fighting against Obama's fundamental transformation and literally disarming Congress.

I never heard him say it, but I believe Reagan knew America arrived where she was in 1980 through incremental "change" pushed by Democrats and it was only through incremental "change" that she would get back on solid constitutional footing. I believe he thought we had more time to return to our roots and that his incremental change back to our constitutional principles and philosophies would survive after he left office and that future politicians, and the people, would actually expound on what he started. But, they didn't - we didn't - and things have become exponentially more perilous.

Modern conservatives know we no longer have the same luxury of time Reagan had - the hour is late for American freedom and liberty. Modern Democrats, our opposition, are not the Democrats of our fathers and the situation is far more dangerous now than in Reagan's day. What worked in WW I did not work in WW II and what worked politically in the 1980s will not work now.

If you are going to compare Ronald Reagan with modern conservatives then let's do it honestly and correctly.  

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