Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Attorney General Comments Very Chilling

Speaking about gun control on that progressive faux news network, MSNBC, Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently said, "If we can get past talking at each other, maybe we can talk to each other about how to manage the firearms in our society," and I find that to be both revealing and chilling.

Ask yourself this question; what does the government have to do in order to "manage" guns in our society? Well, it has to "manage" a fundamental, God-given unalienable right that is explicitly protected in the 2nd Amendment to our Constitution, and that's chilling.

Rank and file patriotic conservatives know in their gut that it isn't the federal government's right or responsibility to "manage" our rights. Our rights exist separate from government and all levels of government in America are subservient to the People and our rights. In fact, the foremost mission of government in America is the protection of our rights.

The primary difference between the government in a free nation versus the despotic government of tyrannical nations is that in a free nation the government does not use prior restraint to deter or limit crime. The government of a free nation deals with criminals after they have committed crimes and does not infringe the liberty of the majority. In a free country we do not infringe the rights of the many due to the crimes of the few.

As I often say, freedom can be a difficult and dangerous thing but there simply are no legitimate alternatives. Infringe, or "manage" one right and you infringe them all. Undermine one protection in the Bill of Rights and you undermine them all.

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